You are on this page for a reason.
You are looking for something.
Who knows? You might find it here. Stay open.
What you seek is seeking you.
You are looking for something.
Who knows? You might find it here. Stay open.
What you seek is seeking you.
I developed a personal manner of working with clients, that combines a theoretical, practical and energetical approach. Each session is specifically adapted for the client, according to their needs and preliminary discussion.
I use up-to-date scientifically proven information on how the mind works, the latest discoveries in biology, emotions and hearts intelligence, as well as my own experience of transformation in the last 12 years.
I my work, I combine different techniques and exercises, as well as guided meditations, timeline healing, hypnosis, mindfulness and presence, for releasing of the blocked energy/emotions, healing of trauma, reprogramming of the mind, change of perception and connection with the body.
Anxieties. Depression. Anger. Trauma. Compulsive thinking
"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
© Copyright Andrea Varadi-Goia 2024